AXO Parents Club Minutes - 9-14-13
The Parent’s Club met on 9-14-13 at 12.30 pm at the Alpha Chi
Omega House. Members present were Donna Ott, Paula McGuire, Stefanie
Cassels, Nicole Coulson, Andrea Edwards, Kathy Gardner, Krista Vandiver, Jana
Hobbs, Kristi Woods, President, Liz Jeter and Vice President, Linda Davis. Treasurer, Marianne Holmes and Secretary,
Lisa Berger were not in attendance. A
quorum was not present.
1. President, Liz Jeter,
went over the changes that had been made to the parent club for the upcoming
year. The parent club will be totally
transparent. A blog has been developed and
we will continue to use our Facebook page. Secretary, Lisa Berger, will keep our social
media updated. All pertinent information
can be found on these two sources.
2. Treasurer, Marianne Holmes was not present. Liz Jeter, handed out a copy of the treasurers
report. A shredder was purchased for the
Chapter to use at the House. She went
over our Bylaws concerning approving items that the Chapter request. Any request
that is over $500 must be a majority vote with the membership.
3. Liz Jeter gave a report on Homecoming. We discussed donating food for the all night
pomp. As we get closer to the date, we
will ask for parents to volunteer to bring food for that evening. She also asked for any ideas for fundraising
for the night of the Walk Around. Paula
McGuire and Donna Ott recommended that we consider selling cupcakes, since
there are not a lot of sweets that are sold that night. No decision was made.
4. Vice President, Linda Davis, gave a report on the Christmas Tree
Decorating. It will be at the House on
November 16, 2013 at 4:00. Blue Spruce,
a local coffee house, will make café and apple cider for those in
attendance. The Parent Club will have a
drawing of the sorority girls that in attendance. Four lucky girls will win $50 cash. Parents are invited to come and participate
with their daughter.
5. Liz gave a report on Mom’s Day.
We will get a block of rooms when the date is known. We will have the Silent Auction for our
fundraiser. There was also a discussion about
having a cocktail party for the Mom’s the night before Mom’s Day. More information on this will come at a later
There was no more discussion and the meeting was adjourned at
Alpha Chi Parent’s Club Exec Board Meeting Minutes
The Executive Board met on 6-25-13 at 3pm. Executive Board members present were: Liz Jeter, Marianne Holmes, Lisa Berger and Linda Davis. Linda Davis attended via Skype and conference call.
Introduced proposed By-laws
By-laws were adopted.
Transition from previous board
Letter to be sent to current members
Treasurer’s report presented by Marianne Holmes
New account opened in accordance with newly adopted By-laws
Checks and balances put in place
PC t-shirts
Marianne presented design
All board members agreed on design.
Marianne will order and have them for Bid Day
Secretary report by Lisa Berger
Social media update
FB has been transitioned to new board. Will continue to update
Blog has been created at
AXO PC Email has been created:
Spirit Week/Recruitment/Bid Day – Liz Jeter
Liz will write letter to parents asking for volunteers to help during recruitment
Possible donations from parents and or PC Club during recruitment
Thurs Aug 1 Ice Cream party (PC Club to fund) approved
Sat Aug 3 3:00pm Skit show All families are invited
Bid day – enrollment for new membership PC Club
Bid Day Dean White with Greek Spirit Wear set up at 10:00 am
Board will meet with advisors
House Corp
Board will meet with them on July 28.
Future Fundraising ideas
Auction off parking spots
Future dates
Ideas for fall Big Little
Homecoming – October 14-19, 2012
Dad’s Day – September 14, 2013
Christmas Decorating – Mid November
Next meeting will be on Bid Day
Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm
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