Alpha Chi Omega Parents Club By-laws
Epsilon Chapter
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University
Article 1
Name - The name of
this organization shall be the “Alpha Chi Parents Club”. The EIN assigned to the organization by the
Internal Revenue Service is 45-2803339
Article 2
Purpose - The
purpose of the organization will be to support the girls and ideals of the
membership of the Gamma Epsilon chapter of Alpha Chi Omega by providing needs
and activities which fulfill their experience and support the standards and
activities of Oklahoma State University as they relate to the chapter.
Article 3
Membership- Membership
is limited to parents of initiated and pledged members in good standing of the
Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega.
Article 4
Officers, elections
and terms of office – The officers shall be President, Vice-President,
Secretary, And Treasurer and shall be referred to as the executive board. 2 weeks
before Mom’s day, nominations/volunteers will be requested for openings for any
or all of the four offices via email and stay open until the Friday before
Mom’s Day. If more than one parent is
nominated/volunteers for an office, elections will be held on Mom’s Day. Transition of officers shall occur at the
Mom’s Day parents club meeting. There
will be no limit to the number of terms or elected position a member can
hold. If there is a lack of willing
candidates, the office of the Vice-President may be omitted from that term. The Executive Board will be responsible for
reviewing, updating, and distributing by-laws annually.
Article 5
Duties of Officers
President – The president shall have general supervision,
direction, control of business and affairs of the parent’s club and will
coordinate actives with the Chapter and chapter advisors. The president shall preside at all regular
meetings of the club and executive board, will act as co-signer with the
treasurer for all monetary disbursement of club funds, assist with quarterly
financial statement and communication distributed to all members as defined in
article 3, and have other such powers and perform other such duties as may be
prescribed from time to time by the executive board or these by-laws.
Vice-President- In the absence or disability of the
President, the Vice-President shall perform all duties of the President and
when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions
upon the President and have such other powers and perform other such duties as
may be from time to time be prescribed by the executive board or these
by-laws. The Vice-President shall also
be responsible for the coordination of the Christmas decorating party and the
chapter and secure any funds needed from the club account.
Secretary – The Secretary shall keep a book of minutes of
all meetings of the club and executive.
The minutes shall state the time and place of holding all meetings, the
names of those present at the executive board meeting and an account of the
proceedings thereof. The secretary shall
keep a roster of members including member’s names, daughter’s name, address and
e-mail and distribute this roster to the executive board. The secretary is
responsible for updating Facebook, Blog, and email roster. The secretary shall
keep the original copy of by-laws of the club, amended or otherwise altered and
have other such powers and perform such duties as may from time to time be
prescribed by the Executive Board of these by-laws.
Treasurer - The Treasurer shall be a co-signer on the Club
bank account and keep copies of all bank statements, financial statement, and
club receipts. The Treasurer shall,
along with the President, disburse funds requested by the chapter and agreed
upon by the club and deposit funds. The Treasurer shall responsible for quarterly
financial statements and distribution to all active members either via email or
posting on the parent’s club blog. The
treasurer is responsible for overseeing parent’s spirit wear.
Article 6
Dues – Dues shall
be determined annually by a majority vote of the Executive Board and shall be
payable between bid day and Dad’s Day in the fall. Dues shall be made payable to Alpha Club
Parents Club. Only members who have paid
dues will be considered “active members” and will be the only members allowed
to vote on actions or elections
Article 7
Meetings – Regular
meetings of Membership and Executive Board will be held during Dad’s Day and
Mom’s Day weekend. Informal Executive
Board meetings may be held via conference call or email as needed and requested
by any member of the Executive Board.
Article 8
Action without a meeting
- Any action that may be taken by the club at the regular meeting of the
membership may be taken without a meeting if the consent of the Active Membership
is solicited in writing via e-mail.
Majority will be considered 51% of the Active Membership responding
within 2 weeks of the electronic mailing of this action.
Article 9
Expenditures –
Expenditures for goods or services may be decided as needed by the executive
board. Additionally, suggestions are encouraged
by Active Members of the Club. Each
semester, the Chapter will be requested to provide a “wish list” to the
Executive Board to be solicited in writing by the Chapter President. This request should include the following
information: justification of the need for requested goods or service,
specifications of the goods or services, and any other information that may be
deemed helpful to the club in making a decision. Goods or services considerations should be of
benefit to the majority of Chapter members in and out of house. In the event that more than one expenditure
is requested, the Chapter President shall present solicitations to the
Executive Board in priority order. Any
good or service with a value under $500 can be decided on a majority vote of
the Club’s Executive Board. Any good or
service with a value over $500 will be decided by a majority vote of the Active
Members either at membership meetings or email per above outlined requirements
in articles above.
These by-laws were created and adopted by the board on June
25, 2013.